Takashi Yamamoto, Co-researcher

- Profile
- In 2002, I graduated from Hirosaki University Faculty of Education — Elementary School Teacher Training Course. In 2011, I completed doctoral coursework at the Graduate School of Economics and Business Administration, Hokkaido University as a Ph.D. in Economics. From Apr. 2011 to Mar. 2012, I served as a Researcher at the Graduate School of Economics and Business Administration, Hokkaido University. From Apr. 2012 to Mar. 2014, I was an Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Economics and Business Administration, Hokkaido University.
- Publications
- “Pigou’s Early Opposition to Protective Tariffs and the Three Propositions of Welfare Economics,” The History of Economic Thought, 50 (2), 2009.
My research focuses on economic history, in particular that of the United Kingdom. Recently, I have also taken an interest in the history of trade policy disputes wherein various economists take part in the discussion. As such, I intend to advance research that refers to past academic theories in an effort to shed light on ways to resolve economic problems related to modern communities.